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Terms & Conditions

Intro­duc­tion These terms and con­di­tions gov­ern your use of this web­site; by using this web­site, you accept these terms and con­di­tions in full. If you dis­agree with these terms and con­di­tions or any part of these terms and con­di­tions, you must not use this web­site.

This web­site uses cook­ies. By using this web­site and agree­ing to these terms and con­di­tions, you con­sent to our Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Development’s use of cook­ies in accor­dance with the terms of Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Development’s pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.

License to use web­site Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed, Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Devel­op­ment and/or its licen­sors own the intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights in the web­site and mate­r­i­al on the web­site. Sub­ject to the license below, all these intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights are reserved.

You may view, down­load for caching pur­pos­es only, and print pages or oth­er con­tent from the web­site for your own per­son­al use, sub­ject to the restric­tions set out below and else­where in these terms and con­di­tions.

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You must not use this web­site for any pur­pos­es relat­ed to mar­ket­ing with­out Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Development’s express writ­ten con­sent.

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If Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Devel­op­ment pro­vides you with a user ID and pass­word to enable you to access restrict­ed areas of this web­site or oth­er con­tent or ser­vices, you must ensure that the user ID and pass­word are kept con­fi­den­tial.

Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Devel­op­ment may dis­able your user ID and pass­word in Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and Development’s sole dis­cre­tion with­out notice or expla­na­tion.

User con­tent

In these terms and con­di­tions, “your user con­tent” means mate­r­i­al (includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion text, images, audio mate­r­i­al, video mate­r­i­al and audio-visu­al mate­r­i­al) that you sub­mit to this web­site, for what­ev­er pur­pose.

You grant to Home­Joy Construction’s a world­wide, irrev­o­ca­ble, non-exclu­sive, roy­al­ty-free license to use, repro­duce, adapt, pub­lish, trans­late and dis­trib­ute your user con­tent in any exist­ing or future media. You also grant to Home­Joy Construction’s the right to sub-license these rights, and the right to bring an action for infringe­ment of these rights.

Your user con­tent must not be ille­gal or unlaw­ful, must not infringe any third party’s legal rights, and must not be capa­ble of giv­ing rise to legal action whether against you or Home­Joy Construction’s or a third par­ty (in each case under any applic­a­ble law).

You must not sub­mit any user con­tent to the web­site that is or has ever been the sub­ject of any threat­ened or actu­al legal pro­ceed­ings or oth­er sim­i­lar com­plaint.

Home­Joy Construction’s reserves the right to edit or remove any mate­r­i­al sub­mit­ted to this web­site, or stored on Home­Joy Construction’s servers, or host­ed or pub­lished upon this web­site.

Notwith­stand­ing Home­Joy Construction’s rights under these terms and con­di­tions in rela­tion to user con­tent, Home­Joy Construction’s does not under­take to mon­i­tor the sub­mis­sion of such con­tent to, or the pub­li­ca­tion of such con­tent on, this web­site.

No warranties

This web­site is pro­vid­ed “as is” with­out any rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties, express or implied. Home­Joy Con­struc­tion makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties in rela­tion to this web­site or the infor­ma­tion and mate­ri­als pro­vid­ed on this web­site.

With­out prej­u­dice to the gen­er­al­i­ty of the fore­go­ing para­graph, Home­Joy Construction’s does not war­rant that:

this web­site will be con­stant­ly avail­able, or avail­able at all; or
the infor­ma­tion on this web­site is com­plete, true, accu­rate or non-mis­lead­ing.

Noth­ing on this web­site con­sti­tutes, or is meant to con­sti­tute, advice of any kind.

Limitations of liability

Home­Joy Construction’s will not be liable to you (whether under the law of con­tact, the law of torts or oth­er­wise) in rela­tion to the con­tents of, or use of, or oth­er­wise in con­nec­tion with, this web­site:

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These lim­i­ta­tions of lia­bil­i­ty apply even if Home­Joy Con­struc­tion has been express­ly advised of the poten­tial loss.


Noth­ing in this web­site dis­claimer will exclude or lim­it any war­ran­ty implied by law that it would be unlaw­ful to exclude or lim­it; and noth­ing in this web­site dis­claimer will exclude or lim­it Home­Joy Construction’s lia­bil­i­ty in respect of any:

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By using this web­site, you agree that the exclu­sions and lim­i­ta­tions of lia­bil­i­ty set out in this web­site dis­claimer are rea­son­able.

If you do not think they are rea­son­able, you must not use this web­site.

Other parties

You accept that, as a lim­it­ed lia­bil­i­ty enti­ty, Home­Joy Con­struc­tion has an inter­est in lim­it­ing the per­son­al lia­bil­i­ty of its offi­cers and employ­ees. You agree that you will not bring any claim per­son­al­ly against Home­Joy Construction’s offi­cers or employ­ees in respect of any loss­es you suf­fer in con­nec­tion with the web­site.

With­out prej­u­dice to the fore­go­ing para­graph, you agree that the lim­i­ta­tions of war­ranties and lia­bil­i­ty set out in this web­site dis­claimer will pro­tect Home­Joy Construction’s offi­cers, employ­ees, agents, sub­sidiaries, suc­ces­sors, assigns and sub-con­trac­tors as well as Home­Joy Con­struc­tion.

Unenforceable provisions

If any pro­vi­sion of this web­site dis­claimer is, or is found to be, unen­force­able under applic­a­ble law, that will not affect the enforce­abil­i­ty of the oth­er pro­vi­sions of this web­site dis­claimer.


You here­by indem­ni­fy Home­Joy Con­struc­tion and under­take to keep Home­Joy Con­struc­tion indem­ni­fied against any loss­es, dam­ages, costs, lia­bil­i­ties and expens­es (includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion legal expens­es and any amounts paid by Home­Joy Con­struc­tions to a third par­ty in set­tle­ment of a claim or dis­pute on the advice of Home­Joy Construction’s legal advis­ers) incurred or suf­fered by Home­Joy Con­struc­tion aris­ing out of any breach by you of any pro­vi­sion of these terms and con­di­tions.

Breaches of these terms and conditions

With­out prej­u­dice to Home­Joy Construction’s oth­er rights under these terms and con­di­tions, if you breach these terms and con­di­tions in any way, Home­Joy Con­struc­tion may take such action as Home­Joy Con­struc­tion deems appro­pri­ate to deal with the breach, includ­ing sus­pend­ing your access to the web­site, pro­hibit­ing you from access­ing the web­site, block­ing com­put­ers using your IP address from access­ing the web­site, con­tact­ing your inter­net ser­vice provider to request that they block your access to the web­site and/or bring­ing court pro­ceed­ings against you.


Home­Joy Con­struc­tion may revise these terms and con­di­tions from time-to-time. Revised terms and con­di­tions will apply to the use of this web­site from the date of the pub­li­ca­tion of the revised terms and con­di­tions on this web­site. Please check this page reg­u­lar­ly to ensure you are famil­iar with the cur­rent ver­sion.


Home­Joy Con­struc­tion may trans­fer, sub-con­tract or oth­er­wise deal with Home­Joy Construction’s rights and/or oblig­a­tions under these terms and con­di­tions with­out noti­fy­ing you or obtain­ing your con­sent.

You may not trans­fer, sub-con­tract or oth­er­wise deal with your rights and/or oblig­a­tions under these terms and con­di­tions.


If a pro­vi­sion of these terms and con­di­tions is deter­mined by any court or oth­er com­pe­tent author­i­ty to be unlaw­ful and/or unen­force­able, the oth­er pro­vi­sions will con­tin­ue in effect. If any unlaw­ful and/or unen­force­able pro­vi­sion would be law­ful or enforce­able if part of it were delet­ed, that part will be deemed to be delet­ed, and the rest of the pro­vi­sion will con­tin­ue in effect.

Entire agreement

These terms and con­di­tions togeth­er con­sti­tute the entire agree­ment between you and Home­Joy Con­struc­tion regard­ing your use of this web­site and super­sede all pre­vi­ous agree­ments.

Law and jurisdiction

These terms and con­di­tions will be gov­erned by and con­strued in accor­dance with Canada’s GOVERNING LAW. Any dis­putes relat­ing to these terms and con­di­tions will be sub­ject to the non-exclu­sive juris­dic­tion of the courts of British Colum­bia Cana­da.

You can con­tact Home­Joy Con­struc­tion by email to [email protected]

Terms & Con­di­tions cour­tesy of con­trac­tol­ogy


HomeJoy Construction
Custom Home Builder Vancouver

We provide high-end construction and renovation services in the Greater Vancouver area and have a deep understanding of how to deliver what our clients ask for.
Contact Info

949 3rd St W #116, Vancouver, BC V7P 3V7

Office Address

949 3rd St W #116, Vancouver, BC V7P 3V7

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