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Forest Green Cross cut

Forest Green Cross cut


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160 x 280 (cm) , 63 x 110 (in)


Gold, Green, Orange, Red

The price is approximate

Sim­i­lar to our oth­er green onyx options, this stone includes a nat­ur­al green colour along­side brown veins which are both com­ple­ment­ed with white fea­tures through­out the stone. When illu­mi­nat­ed, these colours shift to a light yel­low as seen in the images.

One of the most cap­ti­vat­ing fea­tures of this type of stone is its unique translu­cen­cy, allow­ing light to pass through and dra­mat­i­cal­ly change its appear­ance. When illu­mi­nat­ed, the stone dis­plays a mes­mer­iz­ing array of colours that rede­fine the ambiance of your space. This stone har­mo­nizes effort­less­ly, whether paired with wood, steel, or oth­er mate­ri­als. Sim­i­lar to oth­er onyx slabs, this stone is a mas­ter­piece formed over cen­turies by the earth’s intense pres­sure and heat. This stun­ning slab is more than just a sur­face; it’s a state­ment of lux­u­ry and ele­gance. Per­fect for any area in a home where func­tion­al­i­ty and beau­ty meet.


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160 x 280 (cm) , 63 x 110 (in)


Gold, Green, Orange, Red


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Forest Green Cross cut

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